Welsh Danglers reports

June 2007

24th June - Blue pool - Gower

We Decided to take our fishing a little further West this time, what with the fishing being a little patchy further up the channel.


We decided to try a rock mark known as blue pool in between Burry Holmes and Llanmadoc on the Gower. It was our 1st time fishing here so after a few questions answered on WSF Welsh forum we felt ok to try it out.


We arrived at the car park (Broughton caravan park) around 10.30am and proceeded up a path that we assumed was the path to the cliff top. It wasn’t and after trekking over the dunes for 40 minutes  we realised we were nearer Llangennith and Burry Holmes than Blue pool. Anyway after another brisk 10 minute walk across the cliff path we finally arrived and set up around 11.20am.

High water was around 2.30pm so the plan was to fish up to high and 2 hours back. We were armed with a lot of  baits, peeler crab, ragworm, sandeel, mackerel  and squid.


There were a few anglers already there feathering for mackerel but they said they hadn’t had any.

1st into a fish was Barrelreef , fishing with a pulley pennel and size 1/0 hooks with peeler crab as bait, managed to catch a small tub gurnard.


Blackcat then had a good bite which he struck into. After a little scrap (fair play it went a bit) he landed his 1st hound a nice little starry of about 2lb. after a quick snap the fish swam off strongly.


It went a little quiet before high water although Valleyboyo hooked a large spider crab which came off as he lifted it up.

We tried feathering for mackerel but none showed so we gave up. We also tried spinning shads and plugs but no takes on them either. Barrelreef tried floatfishing down the rocks with ragworm and had two bites, missed one and the other pulled into a snag….maybe a wrasse.


Then around high water Barrelreef managed to land 2 dogfish and then a small starry smoothound around 1lb to a peeler crab.


After high we had no more bites although we did carry on for a few hours.


Even though we walked the wrong way 1st off, it was a good day. No big fish but a few new ones for the 2007 species lists. The forecast showers held off and we had bright sunshine all day.

We will fish down this way again for sure, what a beautiful place the gower is for fishing.


Barrelreef  - 2 Dogfish, 1 Tub Gurnard, 1 starry hound

Blackcat – 1 starry hound

Valleyboyo - Blanked

Barrels GURNard

Blackcat with his hound

Barrelreef's little hound

29th June – Monknash


Barrelreef and Herbie decided to fish the rough ground at monknash over low water in the hope of hitting some smoothhounds or bass.


The forecast seemed ok with light westerlies and showers. With low water at 1pm we got to the beach around 11ish. We realised that the wind was a lot stronger than forecast but after the long walk to the beach we decided to give it a go even though there was a big surf running.


We used crab, sandeel and squid for bait and to cut a long story short we blanked. Barrel had 1 bite but got snagged winding in.


Conditions got worse with very heavy showers and the wind picking up creating a very big surf that made the fishing very difficult


Barrelreef – Blanked

Herbie - Blanked