Welsh Danglers reports



October 8th - Penarth beach
With rumours of codling showing Valleyboyo had the pick of venues and decided on Penarth, One of our more consistent codling venues.
We set up across the beach near the groynes, Teggy, Blackcat, Valleyboy and Barrelreef.
With a strong South Westerly blowing it seemed to kick up the sea a little which we thought would give a few fish.
We tried all the baits we had mackerel, sandeel, squid and lugworm but no fish showed. We all blanked

October 15th - Penarth beach (again)
Teggy's turn to chose a venue and despite a little pressure from Barrelreef and Blackcat to fish Ogmore deeps for some shelter in the Easterly wind. 
Teggy chose Penarth again with his reasoning being we couldn't have 2 crappy sessions in a row there??
He was wrong and we did!!!
Blanked again.........all of us
No more Penarth in daylight!!

October 14th & 21st New Passage
I know we haven't seen a lot of Wilba on here lately but he has been fishing just hasn't been able to fish with the other Danglers recently.
His 2 most recent trips have been to the same mark,  called new passage near the severn bridge on the English side.
He has manged to catch a decent codling of around 2 & 1/2lb and a cracking flounder over  a pound.

Wilba's codling

Wilba's flounder

October 22nd - Cod corner, Cardiff foreshore
Barrel's turn to chose a mark and even though we hadn't fished there before reports of some good codling persuaded us to try the foreshore
After a chat in the local tackle shop and some much needed advice and directions we were happy to give it a go.
High was at 8am so we decided to get there for 5am to be fishing for 6am and to fish til 11ish.
Baits for the day were squid, mackerel, ragworm and lugworm.
After the short walk to the fishing marks and a discussion on where to fish we setup on a flat grassy ledge overlooking the waters edge.
It was pretty quiet for the 1st hour although things looked good with an angler to our left landing a 3lb codling on his 1st cast.
Barrelreef was 1st into a fish a plump whiting which dropped off back into the water on lifting it up the ledge.
Another whiting followed only to go the same way as the 1st ....drop off!
2 fish hooked nothing landed so far!
Although Barrel did manage to land a whiting on his next cast which went back...still not really the cod we were after!
About an hour and a half after high the tide had dropped and we had to clamber down th ledge nearer the sea to carry on fishing. While moving the gear our baits were left in the water, Barrelreef then went to wind in only to find it stuck. After letting out some slack line to try and free the weight it came free but had a fish on as well.....1st codling of the season a decent 2 & 1/2lber. Not a bad start.
Next into a fish was Valleyboyo another codling a little bigger though.
Blackcat wound in to find a tiny pouting on his pennel, 'Perfect livebait' so he gently lobbed it back out. A bit later a good bite showed on his rod and he struck. 'Something's taken the live pout' he shouted over. Valleyboyo and Barrel rushed over to see, only to find a dogfish and a big pile of weed break the surface and not the big boy he was hoping for!
He was gutted but it was funny to see his face when he saw the doggie after the weed had made it seem like a very good fish!
This is what it all about having a good laughand one or two decent fish showing as well
Blackcat 1 dogfish 1 pouting
Barrelreef 1 whiting 1 codling
Valleybyo 1 codling

Barrelreef's codling

Valleyboyo's codling

Blackcat's pouting livebait

Blackcats 'bigboy' doggie

23rd October Cardfiff Foreshore
With a successful trip to the foreshore the previous day Valleyboyo and Barrelreef wanted to try the mark in the dark.
The forecast seemed ok light winds and dry for most of the night. So with some good black lug, frozen peeler and squid, we set off. High water at 8.30pm so we got there for around 6pm.
We set our gear up and the heavens opened and from then on it was obvious the forecast was wrong.
Heavy showers seemed to come down every 5 minutes or so. We manged to 'cwtch' up with our gear behind some bushes for some cover and carried on fishing.
It was a little slow until after high water when a few bites started to show.
Valleyboyo was 1st into a fish, most probably a good codling but unfortunatly it came off when his line snagged the rocks down in front of us.
Next it was Barrelreef's turn and he struck into a stonking bite which had pulled down then slack lined. This was a good fish, it nodded all the way in and pulled Barrels rod down hard. He managed to get the fish within a few feet of the surface and Valleyboyo went down in readiness to grab it.
The mainline though, just above the leader not had caught under some of the concrete debris in front of us. Barrelreef was shouting down to Valleyboyo to grab the line and hold the leader but he couldn't hear because of the wind and lashing rain. The fish seemd to regain some strength and started pulling again.....SNAP!! the line chaffing the rocks had given way and the fish was gone!
Barrelreef was gutted and had to sit down on his box for the disappointment to sink in, this was possibly the biggest fish Barrel had hooked,  and it had escaped!
After that the rain kicked in and turned into a torrential downpour, we carried on fishing and Barrel landed 2 codling one after each other the 1st about 2lb and the second 1lb.
The rain by then had got so heavy that it was starting to soak through our supposedly waterproof clothing so we packed up and set off home even though it looked like the codling had started to feed!
'The one that got away'  was the order of the night for Valleyboyo and Barrlreef and normally if the fish are feeding we would have stayed but we were soaked through. No piccies this time (too wet to take any)
Barrelreef 2 codling

October 29th Ogmore Deeps
Teggy, Blackcat, Valleyboyo and Barrelreef decided to have a crack down the deeps.
After leaving a little bit later than planned we got to the mark with about 2 hours til high water.
Baits for the day were lug, rag squid, mackerel and frozen peeler crab.
Blackcat was 1st into a fish an undersized whiting, which had been deeply hooked and didn't survive.
Valleyboyo decided to keep it and use it as bait rather than throw it back dead. Blackcat followed that catch  with another small whiting on his next cast. Both whiting had taken mackerel baits.
At high water Valleyboyo decided to have a go for a conger, (something he regularly does but never pays off).
He cut the whiting into a flapper and cast it out on a running ledger. As he turned round after placing his rod in the rest the rod slammed down and Blackcat grabbed it and passed it to Valleyboyo. After a good little scrap Valleyboyo had the eel at the base of the rocks and Barrelreef clambered down to land it, getting wet feet in the process.
The eel was weighed at 7lbish and after some photos swam away strongly when released.
Valleyboyo was chuffed to bits with his conger not only being his 1st shore conger but also his biggest fish off the shore so far. The other 'Danglers' congratulated him on his catch and fished on.
Thats all we had for the rest of the session, and valleyboyo wouldn't stop telling us how good an angler he is after targeting and catching a conger he was also  rubbing it in that some of us had blanked........................something he would later regret, after packing up before the rest of the boys he wandered off leaving his box unattended.
Barrelreef decided to play a little trick on Valleyboyo..............................................................................
He struggled back up the hill from the deeps and commented how his box seemed heavy.
At one point he even shouted up that we may have put something heavy in his box but rather than check it he struggled on.
Back at the car a red faced sweating Valleyboyo opened his box and found a few stones in the bottom. He wasn't very happy as we all laughed at him and reckoned we were jealous of his catch.
Teggy was rolling with laughter as Valleyboyo emptied the stones.
Even though only a few fish were caught, we were all happy for valleyboyo and also had a bit of a laugh and a joke on the way up.
Blackcat 2 whiting
Barrelreef Blanked
Teggy Balnked
valleyboyo conger eel

Conger Donger

Valleyboyo's extra 'bits of tackle'

Conger Donger

Valleyboyo emptying the stones out of his box